Tennis Coaching based in Epsom, Surrey
At the heart of the community
Our competition schedule, which we run at a number of venues, is designed to support all our players by giving them opportunities to compete at a level which is right for them. We encourage our players to compete so they can apply their new skills and see what improvements they have made. Competition is also a useful way to motivate children in practice and training by providing goals to work towards. Our coaching team will support players before, during and after competition so that they both enjoy and benefit from competing.
Our matchplay series is based at our clubs and provides local competition for players within our programmes. These tend to be ideal for improving players or players new to competition.
These events are run at our club sites and are open events for any player whether playing in our programmes or not. These tend to be a higher standard and players are encouraged to play these events when they are of a higher standard and want tougher competition.
Alternatively, go to for a full list of events run at all venues.